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So, what is it that routinely leads homeowners to choose improving over moving? |
It's your neighborhood, stay in it
First and foremost, there is the emotional pull homeowners feel to remain in their neighborhood, connected to their schools, their neighbors, their local businesses, their community.
They love where they live, just not the house they live in.
Then there’s the math.
"Moving up" within a nice neighborhood - whether Kenwood, Mac Groveland, Linden Hills, or Wayzata - means paying a premium for a new, larger house. But it’s often far from a dream house,
They love where they live, just not the house they live in.
Then there’s the math.
"Moving up" within a nice neighborhood - whether Kenwood, Mac Groveland, Linden Hills, or Wayzata - means paying a premium for a new, larger house. But it’s often far from a dream house,
CHANGE IN WAITING Like many homeowners, the owner of this house was ready to improve. Over a decade of frustrations and imaginings were ready to be addressed in an upper level addition and main level remodel.
Instead, there's commonly a significant project attached - the kitchen, for example, may be too small or outdated, there may be no mudroom, family room or primary suite, or the basement is unfinished (it might even be all of them).
These are the updated spaces people want in their home, and they are commonly the spaces older homes don't have, even nice, older homes.
These are the updated spaces people want in their home, and they are commonly the spaces older homes don't have, even nice, older homes.
To get the desired house routinely requires a substantial remodeling project on top of the initial house purchase. In the end, the total cost is more expensive than simply staying and improving their current situation.
> Have a question you want to address with us? Schedule a Discovery Call
That’s when we get the call.
> Have a question you want to address with us? Schedule a Discovery Call
That’s when we get the call.
Returning To Home
We've been designing and improving homes for a long time.
We’ve designed hundreds of projects, and heard lots of stories. We know the Twin Cities, its neighborhoods, its houses, and the desires and preferences of the families that inhabit them.
And we've noticed a pattern.
Pattern Repeat
Nearly every remodeling project goes through this familiar 6-step sequence:
This process can take anywhere from a few months to several years, but it happens with a high degree of predictability and regularity.
We’ve designed hundreds of projects, and heard lots of stories. We know the Twin Cities, its neighborhoods, its houses, and the desires and preferences of the families that inhabit them.
And we've noticed a pattern.
Pattern Repeat
Nearly every remodeling project goes through this familiar 6-step sequence:
- Conclude current house doesn't work
- Consider remodeling project
- Explore “moving up” within neighborhood
- Realize "moving up" is expensive and still requires remodeling the new property
- Return to idea of remodeling current home
- Contact a residential design professional
This process can take anywhere from a few months to several years, but it happens with a high degree of predictability and regularity.
E D U C A T E & I N F O R M
Meet People Where They Are
Once a family has decided to pursue, or at least consider, a new residential design project, there are three stages through which they commonly progress.
What You Need When You Need It
To help people move through these stages, we've designed our website with a focus on education, creating rich and in-depth content tailored for each stage of the due diligence process.
> Stage 1 - General Inquiry
We've learned, for example, that over 85% of Twin Citians considering a home improvement project - those in Stage 1 in their due diligence process - are looking to fill gaps in knowledge with basic data, knowledge, and insight - and maybe a bit of inspiration.
> Have a question you want to address with us? Schedule a Discovery Call
Early on, most people are not ready to commit to any type of design service or meet with a design professional. But they do want helpful information on residential design and construction topics.
- General Inquiry - acquiring general information on residential design, costs, and construction
- Specific Inquiry - acquiring project-specific information
- Evaluation - evaluating potential residential design partners
What You Need When You Need It
To help people move through these stages, we've designed our website with a focus on education, creating rich and in-depth content tailored for each stage of the due diligence process.
> Stage 1 - General Inquiry
We've learned, for example, that over 85% of Twin Citians considering a home improvement project - those in Stage 1 in their due diligence process - are looking to fill gaps in knowledge with basic data, knowledge, and insight - and maybe a bit of inspiration.
> Have a question you want to address with us? Schedule a Discovery Call
Early on, most people are not ready to commit to any type of design service or meet with a design professional. But they do want helpful information on residential design and construction topics.
To address this need, we've designed our website as a resource with in-depth project histories, revealing case studies, and long-form articles on popular topics such as what to consider when selecting a residential designer, the interior design process, design fees, construction financing options, and when to select a builder.
> Stage 2 - Specific Inquiry
Another 10%+ are further along in their project journey and are ready to take their search to the next level by meeting with a design professional. They may not be ready to proceed with their project just yet, but they want answers to specific questions about their project from a local, residential design specialist.
> Stage 2 - Specific Inquiry
Another 10%+ are further along in their project journey and are ready to take their search to the next level by meeting with a design professional. They may not be ready to proceed with their project just yet, but they want answers to specific questions about their project from a local, residential design specialist.
> Stage 3 - Evaluation
And finally, about 5% of people [closer to 2 or 3% actually] are ready to select a residential design firm and begin the process of building or improving their home.
Should you request a design proposal, we offer design packages, which allow you to customize our residential design services to fit your project and budget.
Fully 95%+ of people considering a project are not yet ready to commit to doing a project.
That's why we've chosen to educate and not advertise.
Our mission is to become a trusted partner and a resource as you work your way through your project considerations.
And finally, about 5% of people [closer to 2 or 3% actually] are ready to select a residential design firm and begin the process of building or improving their home.
Should you request a design proposal, we offer design packages, which allow you to customize our residential design services to fit your project and budget.
Fully 95%+ of people considering a project are not yet ready to commit to doing a project.
That's why we've chosen to educate and not advertise.
Our mission is to become a trusted partner and a resource as you work your way through your project considerations.
Homeowner Reviews
DLD is proud to be a referral business. Over 62% of our projects come to us through a referral from a past client.
A Cost to Not Knowing
By the time most families contact us, they have spent months, if not years, thinking about how to improve their home. Routinely, homeowners wait to contact us (or anyone, for that matter) because the questions surrounding their home improvement project seem too daunting or complex.
Overwhelmed, they delay a decision, give up entirely, or worse still, proceed with their project without answers,
> Not sure how to best proceed? Check out our Feasibility Study services
There can be a steep cost - both financial and emotional - to proceeding without a residential design expert, someone who has successfully and repeatedly navigated the process.
Not knowing how much things cost, what are the limits and opportunities inherent in your property, what your project will look like, can I live in my house during the project, and how long will it take to build are all knowable - if you partner with someone who knows how to find the answers.
> Not sure how to best proceed? Check out our Feasibility Study services
There can be a steep cost - both financial and emotional - to proceeding without a residential design expert, someone who has successfully and repeatedly navigated the process.
Not knowing how much things cost, what are the limits and opportunities inherent in your property, what your project will look like, can I live in my house during the project, and how long will it take to build are all knowable - if you partner with someone who knows how to find the answers.