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There comes a point in every project when homeowners begin to look for ways to cut costs. This impulse usually coincides with the construction phase, when the looming cost of construction comes into full focus. |
7 reasons why you need DLD now more than ever
Protecting Your Interests
Our role in the construction phase is to represent your interests. When large sums of money and the pressure to make a decision quickly are involved, having a representative on site making sure your best interests are served is extremely cost-effective insurance. We make sure that the decisions being made are in your best interest. By law and by contract, we are entrusted with representing your interests during the construction process. Though a builder wants you to be happy, their ultimate responsibility is to deliver a profitable project as quickly as possible. While most times this is aligned with your interests, there are times when it may not be. > Case Study: Classic On The Creek Time, money, and profit are powerful forces in the construction industry, be sure you’re prepared with an advocate who will make sure to offer advice that is in your best interest. |
BACKWARD BEFORE FORWARD With most every remodeling project, the first step in construction is to demolish what is not needed. It can be a modest alteration, or, like this project, substantial.
Protecting Design Intent
You’ve invested time and money in a detailed drawing set, which represents months of time and hundreds of ideas that make your project uniquely yours. They’ve been skillfully carried through to every last detail - they represent a project designed uniquely for you. As a homeowner, you can’t be expected to know each and every way those details have been conceived or will be executed, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t have all of the thought put into those drawings made manifest in your project. DLD’s supervisory role on site ensures you receive the best product possible for the negotiated price. |
LEFT STANDING Sometimes the demolition process leaves parts of the house a bit "removed" from the rest of the house. In this project, the large stone chimney was remaining, but little else around was staying. For several weeks, the chimney stood as a lone sentinel, towering over the project and the workers.
Skilled Problem Solving
The construction phase is the most critical part of the project delivery process. Not only is it messy and stressful, but it's where all of the potential land mines are buried. Once design intent comes into contact with existing conditions, adjustments inevitably need to be made, and in a timely manner. We are skilled collaborators and work hard to find creative solutions to the complex problems that inevitably arise during construction. Working with you and the builder, we are able to consider a variety of options and alternatives and find solutions that make sense from a budget, design, and construction perspective. Having DLD on site not only ensures all the hard work put in designing your vision is executed properly, but also holds the contractor accountable to a high building standard. |
HELLO RUBBER, MEET ROAD Once the hammers and saws begin doing what they do, the project's design direction and builder's acumen are put to the test. Ensuring that you get the results you want - and working with the builder during the length of your project to get it right - are key functions of DLD's during the construction phase.
History and Equity
While builders are typically excellent problem solvers, at first, they don’t know the project as in-depth as we do. Having worked with you from the beginning of the project, we have a record and recollection of the dozens of conversations that lead to why your project looks the way it does. We know your non-negotiables and must haves; we know where you are willing to compromise or adjust; we know what issues your project is addressing and prioritizing. Our presence during site meetings not only helps the job run more efficiently, but makes sure the the hard work and ideas you have invested in your project come to fruition. |
TAKING SHAPE Well past demolition, the new construction is starting to show the new forms and limits of the project.
Reduced Errors
The contractors we work with are trustworthy and diligent; however, even the best builder can’t safeguard against simple mistakes or misread information. With DLD working directly with the builder, the hundreds of questions that arise during construction can be answered and clarified prior to mistakes being made or work needing to be re-done. |
TOPPING IT OFF There are certain milestones in every project that mark progress and one of the most powerful is getting the roof on. There is a rewarding sense of completion and protection felt once the new spaces are enclosed and roofed.
Doing the Busy Work
Reviewing contractor invoicing can be a complicated affair – even for DLD. If you’re located remotely and don’t know exactly what work's been completed, you’ll have to rely on the builder’s assertions for work completed. As payment is always tied to a schedule of values, it requires constant checking on site to be sure the amounts invoiced correlate with work done and materials delivered and installed. Even if you’re stationed locally, relying on professionals who know what to look for is a smart decision. Imagine researching the vast array of materials and systems present in your project and trying to determine if the radiant tubing is the right type or installed properly? You've better things to do with your time. |
TOP IT OFF Another major project milestone is the installation of windows. Until windows go in, the whole project is exposed to the elements. Rain, sun and cold can be difficult conditions to navigate, but once the house is enclosed, on-site conditions can be controlled and made down-right comfy.
Representing You
With DLD part of the construction process, we make sure that the decisions being made are in your best interest. By law and by contract, we are entrusted with representing your interests during the construction process. Though a builder wants you to be happy, their ultimate responsibility is to deliver a profitable project as quickly as possible. While most times this is aligned with your interests, there are times when it's not Relying exclusively on the builder’s opinion when problems arise can often leave you questioning whether a conflict of interest may exist. Time, money, profit - and limiting liability - are powerful forces in the construction industry. Having a residential design expert as your partner will ensure all of the proper factors are considered when determining what ‘looks good’ or 'is best' for your project. |
FINISHING IT OFF Exterior and interior finish offer, as we are fond of saying, "high visual yield." This is when the character and feel of the project is revealed. It is beyond exciting to see the project change daily as all of the rough surfaces are covered with the sleek selections made months earlier.